• clare and foer

    I skipped my morning cereal routine today and decided to indulge in one of my most favorite meals in the entire world: homemade toast and eggs. I love making toasted bread (w/ butter or margarine) as much as I love munching on them, and as much as I love taking on a new day with a new book to flip through (Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer)

    Speaking of books, I finished the TMI trilogy last night. And I have to say that I absolutely loved it. I just happened to come across this trilogy set while I was on my way to the counter to purchase Looking for Alaska by John Green, and I thought, Hey this seems kinda interesting. Why not give this series a try? I've got no regrets since then. Who would've thought? Even I didn't think I'd really get enthralled by the series at first, since I thought it would just turn out to be like those predictable YA fiction with seemingly extremely attractive characters. But no, this series is more than that. And it has an amazing plot; quite confusing at first but once you really get into it, you'll eventually get a firmer grip on the plot. And oh my gosh, the world needs more Malec moments! Seriously. The hero-heroine (Jace and Clary) love story is one thing, but the warlock x shadowhunter love affair is just....asvcdfghtxsdfegr!! And of course, Alec and Magnus are my favorite characters...and Simon, too :D

    The thing that makes these books a keeper is the way it fascinates its readers with butt-kicking and brutal action scenes, and even in the midst of all that chaos and life-and-death situations, Cassandra Clare still manages to showcase the characters' sarcastic sense of humor that would really get to you. Trust me, I had my fair share of LOL moments while I was reading the trilogy. I can't wait to get my hands on Books 4 and 5 (and I am definitely looking forward to more Malec moments. Haha). I hope there won't be any delay with the mailing services though. Since the books are currently not available in any bookstore in this city, I had to purchase them online.

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